

Tees & Shirts are Classic Fit, meaning, square-cut with equally aligning bust to waist. The dresses have a classic dress form which provides a slimmer waist with fuller space for the bust and hips.

When considering sizing, please refer to the size chart below or standard shirt sizing such as Gildan.

It is my top priority, to ensure accessibility to sizes for all. At the current moment shirts, hoodies and sweatshirts are available from U.S. Small to 5X-Large. Dresses are available from U.S. Small to 2X-Large. In time, my goal is to have extended sizes for all items!


  • Each item is 1 of 1. You are the only person who owns one in the World! 
  • These items are “wearable art” — you can wear them or archive them!
  • All items can be machine-washed and dried. Please you gentle settings, if available. For longevity, please hand-wash and air-dry if you are able!
  • If exposed to high humidity, the thicker layers of paint may feel slightly tacky to the touch. To remedy this, dust the area with baby powder or translucent powder with a fluffy brush.



Cae Monāe, is an artist and performer based in Chicago, IL.

The mission of caemonae.com is to provide apparel, designs, and original art for everyone. Simultaneously, providing space for other Black and Brown Trans/GNC artists to share, grow and collaborate. This is a Black Trans Femme owned and operated business. Your support keeps my work alive and ensures my survival in this world.

Trans Women of Color are disproportionately starved of opportunity and subject to violence at an alarming rate. We are actively being murdered, abused, and neglected of equal opportunity. Supporting and endorsing Trans and Gender Non-Conforming individuals and business is an act of equity allowing us to gain traction within industries and thrive. 


Always feel free to contact me via email at: monae.customer@gmail.com

In advance, I apologize for any delay if you contact me via social media. For the quickest reply for issues, please email!